What Information Do You Need To Bring?
Are you looking for a team of reliable and knowledgeable professionals to take care of your personal and business tax needs? Call us at A.J Redhead Business Services we provided tax preparation and bookkeeping services among other things. Our professionals pay attention to details in order to get you the maximum return you deserve. Call us and book an appointment today!
Your Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax ID Number for you and your spouse.
Social Security Number (SSN) and Date of Birth (DOB) of your children.
Childcare records if applicable.
Child custody 8332 Form if applicable.
Any other adult in the home's income.
Employed: W-2
Self-employed: 1099, record of all business expenses, home office information, Form 1040-ES
Rental Property Income: Records of income and expenses, asset information, Form 1040-ES
Retirement Income: Pension/IRA/Annuity income
Form 1099-R, Traditional IRA basis, SS/RRB income.
Saving & Investments or Dividends: Interest, dividend income 1099-INT, 1099-OID,1099-DIV
Other Income & Losses: Gambling Income, Jury Duty, Hobby Income, Trust, Royalties, records of alimony.
Home Ownership
Charitable Donations
Medical Expenses
Health Insurance
Childcare Expenses
K-12 Education Expenses
Retirement and other savings
FEMA - Declared Disaster